sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

Free Topic

Hi! Yesterday I didn't go to classes but today I'm going to write anyway.
Well, I  wanna tell you about the last PS3 game I played.
It is call Heavy Rain. 

 "Heavy Rain is an interactive drama psychological thriller video game created by Quantic Dream "
This game have 4 characters which interact along the story. They have differents lifes, differentes personalities, and this game have so many differents 
ends according to the decisions you make. I think this game is one of the most dramatic games. Made me mourn a  twice.  Why? Because this story is about to find who is the Origami Killer,  a psycho, no one is sure if is a woman or a men, who kidnap kids and then locks them in a storm drain. In parallel, torture their fathers who have to find their kids before they died drowned.  So the entire story is about sacrifice, love, desesperation and is concentrated in the search of Ethan's son. And the difficult tests that he must pass to find him.
 When my boyfriend played this game, he finished with the Most Happy Ending, but when I finished this game, I did with the Worst Ending. I wanted to kill myself!  Poor Ethan, he suffer for my fault :( .
I reccommend this game, and I hope you will do better than I.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

BBC Learning

Hi everyone.
I found the item The English we speak.
I read  the conversation "To catch your eye / eye-catching".  It's about two people talking about how to use this phrase. It's a fun conversation because the girl understand the phrase literally and the boy try to explain what means this phrase. I read another conversations too.
This item let me to review vocabulary and learn new expressions and phrases. Some phrases are: to let the cat out of the bag,  paint the town red, 'To get your hands dirty', etc.

I read this item too
It's about expressions too.

And finally, I did one Quiz about Elections, and two Crosswords. The crosswords are very interesting because I remembered some words and learned another. And I work with definitions and descriptions :)

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Stephen King :It

Hi everyone, today I'm going to tell you about one of my favorites writers. 

He is a famous writer and differents directors have made many movies about his books.
One of the reasons I like him is because he write about how the ordinary life its turn to the most strange situations and how the people live with this new situation, fighting against its fears.

 I've already read Insomnia, Carrie, Nightmares & Dreamscapes IFirestarter, Cell. And I wanna read It, The Shining, Rose Madder and Different Seasons.

One of the movies let me know about Stephen King when I was a child was It or Pennywise, the Dancing Clown. I'm not already read the book yet but I've read  in the internet that book is much bloody and macabre that the movie. 

So, let's see. This movie was made in the 90's, it is a tv movie. Its during about 2 hours and half, a bit longer for tv I think, but its a masterpiece. Why? Maybe the effects on the last part of the film are a little... weak but the history and the drama are interesting, fascinating and the mystery about who really is that Clown it leave you  in constant stress.

Well, the story tell about a group of children was attack for this "Clown". How he attack them? With them fears. He showed them very deep nightmares and trying to kill them later. But this group of children escape from him  and from the town where he live. But 30 years later, others kids was attack and died in strange circumstances, so, the group was reunited again to kill him.
The story talk about the childhood traumas and how the people confronting it.
Well, I think this movie is traumatic per se but is funny too, because the Clown is lovely xD. I mean, this character is strange and bad but it have something atractive. Judgue yourself.

See you the next week!


Well, I've went only 2 concert and one of them was Disturbed. I'm not pretty sure when they came, August 27 I guess. I don't know what is the specific kind of rock music they play. But they have some drums, and guittars, and a good voice ("El Pelao" rules!); maybe repetitive melodies at the beggining, but if you  listen good, you will end up loving them as I. (I hope).

The previous days  was exciting and little stress because I don't have money to go to the concert. But few days before the concert I participate in a contest and... I win! and other people too :)

So, that night, about 9 o'clock the concert began.
They played all my prefer songs *.*
This band make me love the live music, and I hope to see it again if they come back  but its very difficult.
That night I sing, I scream and I jump. Was a great, great night.

Today, I listen the concert in my computer... Draiman, the vocalist, sang not very well, but he did a great performance XD