viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Since my first English class one year ago, I want to do it well but sometimes English classes get me tired. It’s the subject itself because it’s something that we are forced to do… forced by university. I admitted three years ago I wasn’t interested to learn English but many experiences on internet and sometimes in real life make me realize that it is a very important subject and also is a work tool. If someday I go to foreign countries I’ll need to speak in English; that makes me to have good disposition to learn English, but some days I want to learn it on my way. That doesn’t means that I like to review my notes, I’m very lazy on that.
I think I have a love-hate relationship with English.

For example, to study English while I have fun, I like to watch Yankees series with English sub or some movies that I really enjoy. This is a way to practice listening and learn new words.
My experience at in university was interesting. I never think before that I need to learn it, but now I’m very grateful with this opportunity. Between conversations, quizzes and different dissertations I learn a lot of new words, expressions and of course give me self-confident to talk in English with others. Nevertheless, I think I haven’t improve enough in this two years but I want to keep practice before the course finish.

About to using blogs as a learning tool, I enjoyed it because I have the opportunity to reinforce what I learned before, on interesting topics for me.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Post 9 : My future Job

This topic... I hate this topic xD

 These last three years, I realized that I'm not good at this as I thought. I mean, about to write or to get interesting insights about art. I like everything about the field of art but maybe I should stop thinking that I could become a curator. I think that isn't related to the effort or persistence, I think that only some people have the innate ability to write well,  even if they not tried. Maybe I'm wrong, But for now, that is what I think.
That doesn't mean I'm disappointed with my career. Because if  I don't write theoretical art texts, I could, and I would like too, to get a job related to education area in some museum. That includes heritage area.
I went to two seminars and congresses, and since then I like this area. I still don't know what I need to do for get this kind of job, I think I just need new ideas and create a project. For that, I need to do trainships and internships on museums, an opportunity that we currently have through university. I need it because that will give me experience and I will keep abreast of what is currently done in that area.
But... nevertheless, these are suppositions. As you may have noticed, many of us don't know what to do after getting our degree or what to do with our degree. Some of us will write, other we will work in the museum area. Maybe the best thing that the career give us is that we can do a little of everything (do historical research, be a curator, make museographic projects, etc), and a few of us will be experts if they focus on a specific area.
 I just hope that no matter what my future job will be, that give me enough money to live and be happy with it, even if its mean that I never get having an extra money. But I know that if I work in the museums area, I will always have the opportunity to travel, even if only is to attend seminars.
That's why my plan is also to study English  (though this semester has not been noticed much   :P  )

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Post 8 : Ten Guilty Pleasures

Hahaha! is a good topic...

 I have guilty pleasures, like everyone... I'm just going to disclose some of them.
I remember in school I had classmates that love Anime. They called themselves "otakus".
I think I'm a frustrated otaku xD. I like anime, I love mangas but I never admitted that I wanted to be one of them, to dress up as anime character and that kind of stuff...  more than a guilty pleasure, this was a secret, but anyway, today I enjoy read mangas and watch anime, and collects images from them :P

Another one. Since some time ago my sister has bought cereal Trix for my nephew. Every time that I can… I steal  cereal from the cereal box. Well, I don’t steal it but I eat half its contents. Trix is so delicious!!! If I start to eat it, nobody can stop me… maybe my sister, if she catches me.

About music, I don't like every kind of music. But for now I enjoy to listen korean pop. For some people maybe is a silly kind of music because is the music that teenagers girls likes, but whatever! xD I'm not the only one.

I don't think they are guilty pleasures but some kind of proof about ... I don`t know... How prejudice we are, or maybe why we keep it on secret when that things don't really matters.

#7 How green are you?

Recycling truck, La Florida
Hi everyone. This topic is very interesting for me.  Since I was a child I have been interested in this. But today I don’t have the same passion. 

In the primary school I was always alert if someone drop a piece of paper or a wrapper. I never discussed with them for their acts but I just picked the trash that they drop and I let them in the trash can. Also I always waited the recycling campaigns in my school. Sometimes we had the chance to received a prize if we collect some recyclabe materials. Once we went to MIM as a reward. 
In the high school I began to recycling notebooks and notebook pages. Today I continue with this tradition. I don't need to buy notebooks every year because I tried to use every single empty page I found, using  one notebook for two or three subejcts per year. I remember I tried to make a huge notebook with all the pages but it looked very "rasca" xD.
Today in the municipality we have a recycling truck, so I collect recycling things in a bag or in a carton box; every Thursday the truck goes to  the neighborhood :)

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Post 5 : A Career-related Article

The last week the internet didn'n't work  and I had headache, so I didn't write anything. I tried to save the information into my pendrive to finish it in my house. But, the pendrive didn't work too. I was so angry! But, that day I went to MAC and to the library... I forgot to write the topic!
Well, I'm here to write it, finally.
Is an old news but that article it's interesting. The online chilean magazine called Artishock, did a review about the book "Seven days in the Art world" by Sarah Thornton and her conference. I like her because her  view it's not hypothetical or theoretical: she lived important moments with artists, she interviewed them and then she got her conclusions. She gives us a clear vision about the Art market, the purpose of the gallerists, about art is having a commercial importance over the aesthetic value. She didn't criticize this situation, only discloses the reality of this area. In fact, she pointed out that there are different views and thoughts about art. Like the validation of an artwork: is mere convention. Such thinking was previously expressed by Duchamp,   but Thornton revalidated it in our century.
I really wanted to read that book, because is an other way to understand art.  While superficially the book discusses the current situation of art and its market, in parallel allows us to realize how much has changed the concept of art and artist. They aren't the same parameters and reading this article made me to see that I have a romantic view about art, that is no longer valid today :( .

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

#4 Artists you admire, and why.

Hi classmates.
 This is the first topic about art that we have to write every week.

 I like them for different reasons: for their techniques, beauty, and topic or because they are controversial.

Apolo y Dafne

File:John William Waterhouse - Mermaid.JPG
The first one is John William Waterhouse. I admire his technique; few paintings looks real, like Lady of Shalott. But especially I like it because with his artwork I learned to appreciate the art. I ever read Greeks myths, since fourth grade, and when I saw his art work I’m felt fascinating so I learned more about art and Greeks myths. Even he stimulated me to read about another myths and legends because he painted Literature topics. I think I love almost all his paintings because that reason.  
Lady of Shalott

File:Miranda - The Tempest JWW.jpg
Miranda y La Tempestad

 Other artists are Sandro Boticelli and Raphael Sanzio. I like them only for their beautiful paintings. They are so delicate to draw and coloring; meticulous with face and hair, they compose the beauty and perfection on women figures. 

The final artist is William-Adolphe Bouguereau. I admire his capacity to use simple colors to make beauty characters that looks alive in the picture.   
I realized that all of them are connected in a simple thing...  their pictures represents legends and mythological topics.


  • Artists you admire, and why.
  • Talk about some of your favorite art blogs.
  • Do a review of a favorite book.
  • Your favorite art galleries and museums.
  • Write your opinion of controversial art and artists.
  • Write about current art news.